How To Sell Affiliate Products!

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First – What Is An Affiliate Product?


I remember the first time I heard of Affiliate Marketing, I was watching an Affiliate Marketinginfomercial. It was an easy concept for me to understand because of the experiences of my life.

Most people understand that there are products, such as automobiles, that when purchased in a retail environment, the salesperson receives a commission.

I was very aware of this because I had family members who were automobile salesmen, and yes they were men. ๐Ÿ™‚ย  Also, when I worked in retail, I was promoted to the shoe department because they wanted to give me the opportunity to earn a commission on each pair of shoes I sold.

A company or person has a product, service or talent to sell, to those who have a need or desire for their product, service or talent.

That is the way of life and it has been for a very long time.

Nothing has really changed except technology!

Today, though we still have brick and mortar buildings where we still do some of our shopping, more and more people are turning to the internet not just to seek information but to do their shopping as well!

This is where Affiliate Marketing comes in!

In this situation you become the Affiliate, as you affiliate yourself with the company, to promote and market their product or service, in order to earn a commission which is a percentage of the sale price. This is your Affiliate product!


How Do You Promote And Market The Product?


Sales techniques haven’t really changed. Only the process that is dictated because of the technological changes.


To launch a successful marketing campaign you still need:

To know your product

To know your customer

To be able to communicate with you customer, and

To have the tools to advertise so as to locate and connect with your customer


The advantage of the internet is that the world is your audience and you have an incredible, unlimited global potential!

World Computer Connection

There Are So Very Many Advantages!


Let me share a few with you:

You are free of anyone over your shoulder

You set your own schedule

You can build your business around your passion, hobby or interests selling anything you desire or choose, developing your business into a full time income

You can work from anywhere you like provided you have an internet connection

You can dress however you like, even in your pajamas if you choose

No long commutes or traffic issues, just think of the savings in gas and wear and tear on your vehicle

Your business is in operation 24/7/365 so you can even gain sales while you sleep, you are always open for business

There is no inventory required, thus no handling or shipping of the product required

There are millions of products to choose from, if you can buy it online, most likely you can find an affiliate program

There are thousands of legitimate affiliate programs of reputable companies

Signing up to be an affiliate is FREE

If a customer goes through your site to a company you are an affiliate for, and purchases a product other then the one you advertised, you will still get your commission; if they purchase additional products to the one you are promoting that means additional commissions for you

There are no customer service issues to deal with

You are not limited to one product or even one affiliate program

Payments are handled by the company

There is no limit on the level of income you can generate

You are helping someone fulfill a need or desire or both

You can start for FREE


So How Do You Begin?


Let me show you the best foundation to build and how to lay that foundation Absolutely FREE!

Four Exciting Steps

4 Steps to Making Money

First – One of the things that is the most exciting is that you can build your Affiliate Marketing Business around your passion, hobby of interests

Second – Building a website has never been easier then it is today and you can build your website Absolutely FREE.

Your website is your billboard, your advertising campaign for the company or companies you have chosen to be an Affiliate for.

Once your website is built, and you are signed up with an affiliate program, you will be given a special link you will put on your site to promote their products, which will track your customers from your site.

Third – I would like to introduce you to the amazing virtual online academy Wealthy Affiliate, where you can get started FREE learning how to build your online business. You will be taught how to get ranked well on the search engines such as Google and how to drive customers to your site.

Fourth – After applying your efforts to following the first 3 steps you are on your way to establishing your online income


How Do You Earn That Income?


After you have decided on your interest or niche, you help your customer!

You see, there are over two billion people surfing the internet looking for a way to fulfill a need or a desire, and that is your goal as an Affiliate Marketer, to fulfill their need or desire!

Let me show you

Earning Revenue Online

Click here

As this chart reflects, someone surfing the internet either types in a search, or clicks on something shared on a social site, that leads them to your site.

Then they read your quality content as you communicate with your customer.

Hopefully you have convinced them to then take action and follow through with a purchase.

At which time they are sent to the retailer and after their purchase you are paid a commission.

I would like to share with you a video tutorial on this process of Affiliate Marketing, click here.


So now that you have a better understanding ofย  how to sell an Affiliate product are you ready to get started?


Remember – There Is No Time Like The Present!


If you have any questions or thought you’d care to share please feel free to below!



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  • Hi Christa, wow great site! Your explanation of the affiliate process is the best one I’ve ever read. A very pleasantly simple way to put it, with cool graphics too. Keep up the fine job that you are doing Christa, and buy some good sunglasses. You’ll need them for YOUR brite future. (-: Jon

    • Christa

      Hi Jon
      Thank you so very much for visiting! ๐Ÿ™‚
      And thank you ever so much for your very gracious words!
      I know how important it is to me to understand clearly with detail, so it is important to me to give this to others. For you to imply that I am accomplishing that means a great deal to me! ๐Ÿ™‚
      Thank you for your sweet words and I will keep an eye out for a special pair of sunglasses! ๐Ÿ™‚
      Christa ๐Ÿ™‚

  • I love that affiliate marketing is based primarily around one’s passion. I agree, the internet is so large, how could one possibly not make a thing if they follow a FEW SIMPLE STEPS? You have done a great job at explaining the world of affiliate marketing.
    I wish you the best of luck!

    • Christa

      Hi Chris,
      Thank you so very much for visiting! ๐Ÿ™‚
      I agree with you that being able to build your affiliate marketing business around your passion is one of the best features to this venture.
      Thank you for your gracious words and for your wishes.
      I wish you success in all you do!
      Christa ๐Ÿ™‚

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