How Many People Use The Internet In The World?

It Is Official!
The Number Of People Using The Internet In The World Today Has Reached Over 3 Billion!
That’s over 40% of the people in the world using the internet today!
In 1995 the number of people using the internet was less then 1%!
By 2005 the number of people using the internet had reached the First Billion!
In 2010 the Second Billion was reached!
Then in 2014 the Third Billion was reached!
It is hard to believe that when Sir Tim Berners-Lee laid out his vision in March 1989 for what would one day become the World Wide Web, his initial proposal was not originally accepted!
It was deemed “vague but exciting”!
He continued to work on his ideas and:
“By October of 1990, Tim had written the three fundamental technologies that remain the foundation of today’s Web (and which you may have seen appear on parts of your Web browser):
- HTML: HyperText Markup Language. The markup (formatting) language for the Web.
- URI: Uniform Resource Identifier. A kind of “address” that is unique and used to identify each resource on the Web. It is also commonly called a URL.
- HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol. Allows for the retrieval of linked resources from across the Web.
Tim also wrote the first Web page editor/browser (“”) and the first Web server (“httpd“). By the end of 1990, the first Web page was served on the open internet, and in 1991, people … were invited to join this new Web community.” (resource: History Of The Web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee is Licensed Under CC by 4.0)
As I read about Sir Tim Berners-Lee, it wasn’t his incredible intellect or his development of the World Wide Web that impressed me the most!
What Impressed Me The Most Was His Heart!
As I read that when he realized the true potential of the web would only become all that it could be if everyone, everywhere were able to use the web without paying a fee or having to ask for permission, I was amazed at the integrity of heart his decisions reflected, as he set out to ensure the underlying code would be available to all on a royalty-free basis, forever!
Sir Tim Berners-Lee Has Given To This World An Incredible Gift!
Twenty-five years after that original proposal the World Wide Web is being used by almost 2 in every 5 people in the world!!
Today Sir Tim Berners-Lee continues to work to advance the Open Web through the World Wide Web Foundation he established!
And People Around The World Continue To Connect!
As the World Wide Web has become an incredible resource for connectivity, people around the world are linking their voices and it has become a powerful avenue for information to be shared and relationships to be built!
The Internet Has Also Become The New Frontier!
As we explore this New Frontier the world grows smaller as in the web of connectivity the people of the world become more tightly interwoven!
When communities have come together in the past most everyone has strived to find their position in that community.
Finding the need that they are gifted to fulfill some become teachers, preachers, doctors, the friendly mailman, the protective law officer, a store owner, a restaurant owner, the caring waitress or maybe they build a factory to produce an inspired product and so very many other community roles are filled.
This New Frontier is no different, though larger, it is still a community with needs to be met!
As more and more people are joining the community there is greater and greater opportunity!
People around the world are seeking information, services and products online.
The opportunity to search online form the comfort or our own homes has become empowering!
Would You Like To Take Greater Advantage Of This New Frontier?
Have you ever desired to write a blog or to start a business?
If you have ever had such a dream there has never been a better time then today!
You have over 3 Billion people at you access through the world wide web!
All that is needed is a computer and an internet connection, which you obviously have access to as you are reading this! 🙂
Would you like to participate in the community helping to fulfill a need?
Would you like to create you own opportunity building an online business that has the potential to reach and help people around the world?
It Starts With A Website And You Can Build Your Website-Easy!
It will take some time and effort whether developing a blog or learning affiliate marketing, but it is worth your time as you will be building a new future!
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Wealthy Affiliate is a Virtual Online Academy with an incredible community where you have all the education, tools and help you will ever need to begin a new work, building towards a new future!
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There is a Premium Membership if you should decide you would enjoy the additional benefits of the Premium Membership, but it is entirely optional!
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So What Are You Waiting For?

If you have any questions or would like to share a comment please do so below!
Thank you for visiting,
Christa 🙂
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