Best 2021 Black Friday Special

I joined Wealthy Affiliate in 2014, but in 2016 I began a journey of severe health challenges. So, I have spent these past years very focused on regaining my health. Thus my work here on my website and at Wealthy Affiliate was put on a shelf. Two years ago I had set new goals, but then I faced another setback in my journey of regaining my health. Now I am once again setting new goals, as this has been a year of steady improvement.
This website was built long ago! 🙂 Right now it is in great need of being updated and having fresh material, mainly because Wealthy Affiliate has only continued to improve with each year and there is so much more to share with everyone!
I can tell you this, my website was built by simply following the tutorials at Wealthy Affiliate and because they teach you so well how to build a firm foundation, this website has continued to be productive in spite of the neglect the site has suffered over these past years!
I am now excited about Renewed Beginnings this year as I grow my websites. I hope that if you have ever entertained the idea of building a website online, or of becoming involved with affiliate marketing, you will come join us at Wealthy Affiliate where you will learn from the best!
As I have shared in my About Christa story, it brings such peace knowing that Wealthy Affiliate is totally honest and up front about the financial investment. There are no hidden fees or upsells to being a member.
You can join for free, $0, with limited access to resources.
You can become a Premium Member for $49 a month with great access, which is right now being offered at The Black Friday Special all time low price of $299 for the year which is a savings of $289.
Or you can become a Premium Plus+ Member, with additional bonuses for $99 a month which is right now at The Black Friday Special all time low price of $499 which is a savings of $689.
This year I will be renewing my Premium Membership and looking forward to great growth. I hope you will join me!