Anthony Morrison – Scam Artist!

Is Anthony Morrison A Scam Artist?
Company: Anthony Morrison
Website Address: and many more
Owner: Anthony Morrison
Price: Undefined
Overall Rank: 10 Out Of 100
Who Is It For: No One
Is It Possible For Someone To Appear Truly Sincere And Yet Still Be A Perpetuating Scam Artist?
Let’s Look At Some Facts!
The Facts Of My Journey!
As I shared on my about Christa page, I was lying in a rehabilitation facility recovering from a car accident, when in the wee hours of the morning I saw the infomercial.
The Anthony Morrison infomercial that introduced me to Affiliate Marketing.
Of course the infomercial makes it sound, oh so simple.
I am certain many people have done exactly what I did, which was to get excited about what appeared to be a great opportunity and make that phone call ordering Anthony Morrison’s books and DVD!
Once I received the package I excitedly watched the DVD and immediately read the books!
After reading the books I had enough information to give me confidence that Affiliate Marketing was something I could accomplish!
Knowing I had a journey of recovery ahead of me it seemed like the perfect time to pursue this adventure!
Yet I had one issue! It was as though I had been given all the puzzle pieces to a puzzle, yet I had no idea as to what that puzzle even looked like. Though I could tell by the pieces that once they were assembled it would be a great creation, I had nothing to show me how the pieces assembled into the completed picture.
After completing the books I responded to his offer that was included in the package and I signed up for the Anthony Morrison membership at $49 per month.
My fiance then gave me my first desktop computer and we set it up with an internet connection. I was so excited!
When I then called the Anthony Morrison support team for guidance I was met with proposed upsells for other tools, services and software which I simply did not have the money for at that time.
I was to discover this was to be a great blessing in disguise!
I continued to search online, hoping to discover information on how to best get started, and on how to begin assembling the pieces of the Affiliate Marketing puzzle.
At first I was drawn to others who said they would teach you Affiliate Marketing, but it was just more of the same.
As I shared, I was pretty new to the internet and had no idea that the internet was so proliferated with unpoliced scam artists!
I was definitely getting an education, though not the one I was seeking!

I kept thinking if others are successful at Affiliate Marketing online, this lack of understanding must just be me.
You see my mind learns in a very tedious detailed fashion. Knowing this, I was convinced the issue had to be with me.
So for seventeen months as I continued to work on my recovery through physical therapy; I would go through my voluminous emails from Anthony Morrison and watch his blogs and webinars; and I would read the materials he sent to me or led me to, searching for more information on how to assemble the pieces of the Affiliate Marketing puzzle.
As I was subjected to his continuous promotions!
I have now leaned that this onslaught of emails is considered spam! I would average 2 to 4 emails a day and still do, but now they are directed into my spam!
I also received phone calls as they tried to sell me high priced coaching!
I have now learned that one of the signs of a scam to beware of, is when you are asked for your phone number. These phone numbers that are gathered by such people as Anthony Morrison are given to companies for what is known as the boiler room experience.
The boiler room experience is when these companies, which are made up of a group of high-pressure salesmen, follow up on the leads they are given to convince the unaware victim to purchase the high priced coaching! When they call you, they know what is available on your credit cards and they make the offer feasible!
As I recall the first offer they made to me was $5000 dollars. As I was resistant they lowered the price a bit and I began to consider it and asked them if I could pray about it and think about it over the weekend. After all they were offering me one on one coaching and a guarantee of success by the end of the year, with enough money being earned to cover the cost of the coaching and more.
I am so thankful that I did not give in to that offer! I only ever gave in to one small offer, one time, which I will share with you a little later
Who Is Anthony Morrison?
Anthony Morrison tells his story often.
He was in college when he got the phone call, “My heart sank into my stomach and my mouth went dry when she told me. I remember the sun was going down outside the window of my dorm room, and I had just gotten back from playing ball. I gripped the phone tighter unable to believe what my mom was telling me…..”
He goes on to tell the story of how things had gone wrong with the stock market and his family had lost everything.
Anthony shares that his first thoughts were his concern for his father. He shares how he recalled what the pitcher of the Florida Marlins, JP, had said to him 9 years earlier, “It is not how good you play, it’s how smart you play.”
He shares how he sat stunned, in his dorm room, and that all he could “think was I’ve gotta get my family out of this, but how?”
He goes on to share his reflections of his childhood stories that demonstrate his natural gift for sales, as at the ate of 7 he sold candy bars to buy a jacuzzi and at 8 he earned the money to buy his father a motorcycle. He reminisces about the baseball cards and baseball paraphernalia he collected and sold, of how he discovered the internet and affiliate marketing as a teenager selling mustang auto parts.
He shares how he took his gift for sales and developed his knowledge of the internet as he expanded the business he had begun as a teenager and began his first company while finishing college, saving his family and became a millionaire by the age of 23 years of age, and then went on to develop multiple other companies.
This is all in a video which is a prelude to him attempting to sell you his 365 Days To Success program. Though it is not the only place you will hear him tell his story.
It is a great story, no doubt!
It Is Also An Excellent Sales Technique!
In sharing his very moving story with you of overcoming life’s adversities and challenges triumphantly, it is his way of connecting to those who are also faced with challenges and desperate for change and relief and victory.
He leads you to believe that he is going to show you exactly how he achieved success and teach you, step by step, as he leads you on the same journey to your success!
All for one nominal investment price!
What Is The Product?
This is a very good question!
There is no one product!
There Are A Plethora Of Products!
I have read many reviews of individual products and programs by Anthony Morrison. Yet to read a review of a single product is like examining one puzzle piece instead of looking at the complete picture, because each of those products and programs are designed to interlock with the other products and programs!

No one product presents you with a complete picture, with the complete knowledge and training to be able to have the understanding to go forward successfully in Affiliate Marketing!
And if you believe that it is not possible to have a complete program, I guarantee you that such a program does exist, without upsells.
Starting with the infomercial, here is a list of the Anthony Morrison products and programs that I was introduced to and subsequently continually harassed to purchase through multiple daily emails:
The Infomercial
This introduces you to the world of Affiliate Marketing as he is interviewed by Mark Victor Hansen who is an author of the best selling line of Chicken Soup For The Soul Books. I am sure I do not have to explain this sales technique.

Books and DVDs
The Hidden Millionaire $29.95,
Advertising Profits From Home $19.95
(Of course through the infomercial you get the special price on these two books and the Stop Watch Me First DVD .01 for only $39.95 plus $9.95 shipping and handling)
Automated Profits From Home $19.95
Three Steps To Fast Profits DVD 49 cents
Mastery Level Education DVD $4.69
Fast Track Commissions (Adrian Morrison) 19.95
Social Media Profits From Your Home (Adrian Morrison) 19.95
With the books through the infomercial you receive an invitation to a membership program with Anthony Morrison with the promise that you will receive help and support and a free website. I paid $49 dollars per month. This is not an honest offer.
There is more then one format to theses seminars though it always starts with something for free to lure and hook people and draw them in.
The first day is always filled with a tease of how to make money quickly and some very fast talking enticement with incredible slight of hand. It is often reported that it is Adrian Morrison, Anthony’s brother, who is the one leading the way in these seminars.
Then you are offered the special price of $1497 or in some instances the special price is $3000 marked down from $6000 for a 3 day seminar. You are told that if you are not happy by the end of the first day they will refund your money, but of course the first day is filled with enough information to leave you wanting more.
The Advertising Profits From Home System Seminar is $1995
I shared with you how once they had me in the boiler room and they started by offering me one on one coaching for $5000, but I have read horror stories of others who paid much more just to end up in debt.
Their coaching can range in price from $1000 up to $35,000.
Every webinar I ever listened to ended up being a promotion for another product always costing hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Often Adrian played a key role in these webinars as the speaker or the proclaimed developer of the product.
I had been so frustrated by the webinars, always thinking I was going to learn something about Affiliate Marketing, only to end up with it being another upsell promotion, I never signed up for the teleconferences.
Weekly Blogs
Each week I would hope to learn something, but I calculated that the average length of the weekly blog is 4 minutes, and there is not a lot that can be learned in 4 minutes. In addition often the blogs were just a lure to entice the viewer to buy yet another product.
Programs and Software
Build Spend Profit (Building Email Lists) $397
365 Days To Success System, also on the internet as, Success In 365 days $497 (or two payments of $248.50)
CPV Domination $997 or $267 for 4 months
Mastery Level Marketing System $197
Invest Domains Home Study Course $79.95
Social Ads Pro Software $19.95 per month
Affiliate Offer Spy $4.95 for the first month and $9.95 each month thereafter
Traffic Explosion $47
Domain Name Training $79.95
Mobile Site $997
Fast Cash Commissions $2697 (Oh and you get lots of bonuses)
The Fast Traffic Formula (Adrian Morrison)
Advertising Profits From Home System $1995
Success With Anthony which was upgraded to Success With Anthony 2.0 (which includes the Fast Traffic Sniper Software)
Anthony Morrison Success Academy
Miracle Traffic Bot 3 in 1 Premium Software $797
Copy Paste Systems Monthly $497
Traffic Buddy Leads & Traffic Generation Software $497
Top Ranking Genius Bootcamp $197
Secret Traffic Profits $197
Commission Consultants
Inner Circle with Instant Access $497
The Digital Product Factory $278.45
Mastering Facebook Advertising $29.95
Elite Product Creation $29.95
LinkedIn King $29.95
Ebay Pro Academy $29.95
CPV/PPV Course $29.95
Mobile Mania=Marketing Money $29.95
Twitter Traffic Course $29.95
YouTube Marketing Crash Course $29.95
Pin Your Income $29.95
Secret Fiverr Strategies Course $29.95
Laser List Building Course $29.95
Email Marketing Insider Course $29.95
CPA Domination Course $29.95
SEO Genius $29.95
Facebook Fun Page Secrets $29.95
AdWords Mastery Course $29.95
Traffic With Anthony $67 (or 2 payments of $49) This software program actually involves ripping others content off You Tube which is unethical and illegal and is against YouTube’s Terms of Service
Auto Traffic Accelerator VIP $97
Partner With Anthony (2 payments of $49 or $67)
AdWords Course $3995 plus $20 dollars per month plus you have to pay Google AdWords
Affiliate Program Course $2000 to $3000
Fast Traffic Formula (Adrian Morrison) $67 with Upsells and Downsells
Do You Clearly See The Picture Of Chaos Now?
It is as though all the pieces of this puzzle of Affiliate Marketing are laying on the table scattered in massive disarray with nothing to give you an inkling as to how to assemble the pieces, and each individual piece with its own price tag.
Anthony Morrison Sells Himself And Convinces People That He Genuinely Wants To Help Others Find Success.
This is how Anthony Morrison lures people into a purchasing journey of purchasing one product after another as they continue to believe that with the next product they will find the knowledge and understanding they need for their success.
He Is In Truth, A Slick Scam Artist!
If you search Scam Artist in Wikipedia you are redirected to Confidence Trick, because that is what a Scam Artist is – someone who “attempt(s) to defraud a person or group after first gaining their confidence, used in the classical sense of trust.”
So as this conniving scam artist with his skill of sales techniques deceives people into trusting him, he leads them into a maze of financial devastation and heartache.

What Does Anthony Morrison Have To Offer? Are There Any Pros?
The only pro to Anthony Morrison that I have seen over the years is his introduction of the world of Affiliate Marketing! With his infomercial he has brought an awareness of Affiliate Marketing to the general public.
Unfortunately he then takes advantage of these people and their lack of knowledge and understanding.
What are the Cons?
With This Scam Artist It Is All Cons!
His deliberate use of certain deceiving sales techniques to win the trust of the victims.
Most all of the information found in the books can be found online for free, yet they are an excellent lure.
As most people who stumble upon Anthony Morrison are completely new to Affiliate Marketing they do not have the knowledge to understand the products or recognize the deceptions.
Anthony Morrison insist on asking for your phone number so he can give it to companies such as Prosper Inc. for the high pressure sales of their boiler rooms for over priced ineffective coaching, and remember they know what is open on your credit cards and what your credit score is. They often even encourage people to open credit cards. They are modern day digital thieves!
All products are designed to leave you needing the next piece for your ability to achieve the success that continues to elude you.

Websites also need a domain name and you will be directed to Anthony’s company to purchase your domain name where they are overpriced as he steals from you again.
There is a series of others’ companies and programs Anthony continues to refer you to, that are most often way over priced so that Anthony gets more of your money from his commissions.
There is a $49 membership that includes precious little as you are dependent upon Anthony to share pieces of his infamous knowledge at his whims.
There are continuous upsells, endless upsells, which have led many people into financial ruin.
He uses up to 10 popups on his sales pages, offering upsells, downsells, one time offers, always pushing for more of your money.
Customer service is almost totally nonexistent, and much of it is outsourced. So If you are lucky enough to have your phone call answered you will be speaking to someone who doesn’t really know anything about Affiliate Marketing.
Anthony will spam you with voluminous emails as he continues to promote his products.
Many of those emails are the invitation to webinars with the promise to teach you something new, only to be told at the end of the webinar that to implement these new things you have been taught you now need to buy a new product.
Not only are his products incomplete but the products are of poor quality.
The products are most often exorbitantly overpriced.
He teaches unethical practices such as click jacking, keyword stuffing, and content ripping, another form of thievery.
There is virtually no opportunity for contact with Anthony Morrison himself.
Anthony promises a 100% Money Back Guarantee, yet it is easy to locate multiple hundreds of complaints that have been filed against Anthony Morrison for not honoring his guarantee! These are two of the many sites you can find the sad stories of the complaints filed against Anthony Morrison : and! Just type his name in the search bar!
He makes promises of quick and instantaneous success – more lies. Any legitimate business takes time to build!
There is no access to step by step tutorials.
You have no opportunity to check out any of his programs for free.
Clickbank is an Affiliate Marketing Network that Anthony focuses strongly on. They actually discontinued one of his products due to the refund and chargeback rate and the high volume of scam complaints. This is the notification that was sent out to Clickbank Affiliates:

Who Is This Product For?
In My Opinion No One!
Do you really want to associate yourself with someone who has hurt so many people so much more deeply then just financially?
As through his manipulations he has mislead people into devastation that has robbed them of trust and dreams and often the future they had planned, as they are left trying to rebuild their lives!

My One Product Purchase
I told you I would tell you of my one product purchase.
I watched a presentation of Anthony Morrison actually going into two elderly men’s homes.
They showed Anthony in each case teaching these men, who had a basic knowledge of the computer, how to make money online.
Within 24 hours they had success. As I recall in each case it was a profit margin of approximately $1000.
So Anthony’s offer was to teach the 3 steps he had shown these men to anyone who paid $19.95.
So I thought well that is cheap enough, and I called and paid the $19.95
For that price I received the first two steps and if I wanted the third step it would be an additional cost.
I was so irate that he would use these two older men to con people out of money with yet another deception.
I thought to myself, is nothing too low for him?
I was done, I needed to sever my tie to him and take a hot shower! That was just downright dirty!
Later I read of a 76 year old man he had scammed out of his retirement and all I wanted to do was cry!

My Conclusion!
I am sure you have already figured that out! Run as fast as you can from this
Is There A Legitimate Offer That Teaches Affiliate Marketing?
If you have read this through to the end then I applaud you, and I want you to know that YES, there is a legitimate place that is everything you would want and need and so much more, to enjoy the Wonderful World of Affiliate Marketing!
And you can check it all out for FREE!
I had actually decided I was no longer interested in Affiliate Marketing because I wasn’t going to be scammed again!
If you read my about Christa page you learned that it was while I was looking for work online during my recovery that I was led to Wealthy Affiliate.
If I had not been able to check them out for FREE, totally FREE, I would never have considered investigating them!
I actually contacted one of the owners, Kyle, before I would even accept the FREE signup. If he had not answered me, I would not have even accepted the FREE signup!
After Kyle replied to my email, then I thought it was at least worth checking out, especially since it was FREE. It was even a matter of common courtesy for me now, since Kyle had answered my email.
The sign up is TRULY FREE, no phone numbers or credit card information is asked for. Here is the only information requested:

After that I could still remain a free member for as long as I liked with access to part of the program.
So I had nothing to lose!
Investigate I did! I even made sure to coordinate my signup so as to have as much time as possible to conduct my investigation!
I discovered a Virtual Online Academy! A truly legitimate opportunity with access to all the knowledge, service and tools necessary to build an online income with Affiliate Marketing and the added bonus of an absolutely incredible community of entrepreneurs from around the world!
The membership is so reasonable for the benefits of complete access that I lept at the opportunity!
For less then what I was paying for the “other” membership I now could learn everything Anthony was charging people hundreds and thousands of dollars for, in addition to his membership fee.
I am so thankful that the owners of Wealthy Affiliate, Kyle and Carson, are men of integrity and for this legitimate opportunity!
To Read More About The Complete Program

You Have Absolutely Nothing To Lose And Everything To Gain! Remember:

If you have a comment you would like to share, or maybe you have a story of having been scammed you would like to share, please fell free to share below!
Share The Knowledge

Can you please share your experience with Wealthy Affiliate in detail, such as up-sales and various levels of memberships and their cost and benefits, and how they actually helped you earn extra money? Thank You.
Thank you for your visit! 🙂
I have shared much of my experience in my various articles here on my website.
There are no upsells, and you will find more about memberships here!
Christa 🙂
Update: in my recent posts I share about the 2021 Best Ever Black Friday Special and the different offers for the different membership packages!
Hello Christa,
how do i know you are not a scammer yourself?
Thank you for your visit! 🙂
That’s simple, all you have to do is go into Wealthy Affiliate for free and check it out yourself!
Christa 🙂
awesome content christa..this is huge information, we can see the work you have done for this content.. appreciate it…keep up your energy.
Thank you for your visit! 🙂
And thank you for your kind words! I will definitely work on keeping up the energy! 🙂
And I hope you will check out Wealthy Affiliate!
Christa 🙂
Anthony Morrison is A BIG SCAMMER and someone needs to stop him before he destroys a lot of people.
The training product he sold me was not what I wanted and I tried contacting him over seventeen times. But no success.
Is there no one that can put a stop to his acts of WICKEDNESS?
Thank you for your visit! 🙂
I am so sorry to hear about your bad experience. I have read so many stories like this, which is why I wrote this review. I want to try to forewarn people before they become victims as you and I were. The more we speak out, the more people we can help!
If you are still interested in working online I hope you will take the time to check out Wealthy Affiliate, and remember you can do that free!
Christa 🙂
Hi Christa!
I am so glad I stumbled onto this site. I just finished watching one of Anthony Morrison’s webinars. I would say it was convincing and I almost signed up. Thank God I did some research first.
I might try Wealthy Affiliate but I also want to read reviews about these two gentlemen if they are legit.
Again, thank you for saving me and my money. May you be blessed more.
Maria F L
Hi Maria,
Thank you for your visit! 🙂
I am also glad you found this site! That is exactly why I wrote this review, based on my own experiences, was to be able to forewarn people!
I hope you do check out Wealthy Affiliate and remember you can go into Wealthy Affiliate and explore them for free.
Blessings to you Maria,
Christa 🙂
This guy is a snake that should be thrown in jail. I’m out $7,000 and still don’t have a profitable, automated online business like he promised.
Hi Catie,
Thank you for your visit! 🙂
And thank you for sharing. The more people who are willing to share, hopefully the more people we will be able to reach and help not to become anther one of his victims. I am just so sorry you were one of his victims!
I hope one day maybe you will check out Wealthy Affiliate. They truly are trustworthy!
Christa 🙂
Hi Christa, thanks for this I just signed up with this program for the 7dollar trial, but I haven’t done anything else with it. I’m going to look into Wealthy Affiliate.
Hi Jason,
Thank you for visiting! 🙂
I am glad you were able to read this review, which is based on my own personal experiences, so you could be forewarned.
And I hope you will take the time to look into Wealthy Affiliate, especially since you can do it for free!
Christa 🙂
Hi Christa,
I have been researching Affiliate Income for over a.year and have never been able to pay the investment fees.
Today, I saw A Morrison and listened to him and thought I would check for his reputation before joining. I found your information and am very thankful.
Wealthy Affiliate will be my next inquiry.
I have a question for you, ‘have you had success with the information from Wealthy Affiliate?’
T Dwight
Hi Tonya,
Thank you for your visit!
Please beware of Anthony Morrison. All you have to do is a quick review of the comments left by so many others who have fallen into his trap to know that the review is definitely a justified warning!
YES, I have had success. Unfortunately I have had some severe health challenges these past few years that have slowed me down, but even in that time I experienced success and now that I have improved I am looking forward to a great 2020!
Christa 🙂
Scammer and his team kept billing me for service which was cancelled.
Stay away from Anthony Morrison. He will fleece you.
Well Hello Again Vinod,
Thank you for your visit. I have been letting everyone know that I am just returning to working on my website after a long battle fighting a severe health challenge. I am back now!
Yes, Anthony is a scammer and there are many people who have shared with me their difficulty getting automatic payments stopped or refunds.
Wealthy Affiliate is very good and very prompt about their replies and resolving issues!
I hope all is well with you!
Christa 🙂
Thanks for HEADS UP!
Hi Mary,
Thank you for your visit!:)
You are very welcome!
Christa 🙂
Hey Christa, I feel this was informative and I must admit I had no idea about how these programs operate. Thank you so much for keeping us aware!
Hi Danny,
Thank you for your visit! I am sorry I did not answer you more promptly, but I am just returning to working on my website after a long battle fighting a severe health challenge.
You are welcome and I am glad I was able to share this information with you! Please be careful, there are so many of these scam artists online.
And if you should ever be interested in a platform where you can learn all you would ever desire to learn about online marketing please consider checking out the Wealthy Affiliate platform.
I hope all is going well for you.
Christa 🙂
I joined Inbox inner circle, as part of that I had to subscribe to click funnels.
I closed the account and sent an email to Anthony advising and forgot about it. Later I find I have been billed for ‘Product Mastery Funnel Club’ with not indication for what this is. On investigation I found this is from the trial inbox inner circle membership. I advised vendor, but no refund was given as my email for the cancellation was not sent to a specific email address. It did not matter the account was closed, they hid behind the technicality the email had to be sent to a specific address.
They kept billing me for a service which did not exist. That’s a rip off and a scam!
Be careful.
The only way to make money with Anthony is to bring other newbies into the funnel and rip them off. Stay away!
Chances are you will meet people like Anthony Morrison ready to exchange money for big ticket items with no or limited return for you.
Hi Vinod,
Thank you for your visit! I am sorry not to have replied to your comment sooner, but I am just returning to working on my website after a long battle fighting an intense health challenge.
I am so sorry to hear that you were also a victim of Anthony Morrison’s. I have heard from a great many people in response to this review. So many people sharing their stories of being snared by Anthony, losing monies, being unable to contact him and being so frustrated. It gets me so upset and makes me more determined to get the word out so hopefully we can help to prevent more casualties.
I also want people to know their truly is a place they can go. I want them to know that Wealthy Affiliate will truly help them to realize their desires at a very reasonable fee. Wealthy Affiliate is like a Virtual Online University!
I hope things are going well for you!
Christa 🙂
I am so sorry that you felt scammed by morrison. I have had a really good time with morrison products. I have learned so much from the videos that I am now making a living in my older years without having to work. I have only used one product called partner with anthony and it showed me everything. Yes, he tends to sell a lot of stuff you don’t need but just don’t buy it. partner with anthony is $7 per month and yes you do need hosting and a few other tools but it works out. I am sure the wealthy affiliate is great too but I have never tried it out. Well best of luck to you and I hope everything works great for you.
Hi Don,
Thank you for your visit! And thank you for kindly sharing.
I have just returned to work on my site after a long battle with an intense health challenge. So I apologize for the delayed response.
I was amazed at the number of comments to this review. I only received two comments such as yours, while all of the others were people sharing their horror stories of their Anthony Morrison scam experiences that were repeats of what I had gone through. So many of them losing much money and unable to contact Anthony Morrison in an attempt to stop automated payments of unwanted materials and services. So if you managed to find the product that gave you the information you needed, well I am thankful it worked out for you.
I know I needed something much better. A platform that gave me all the information that I needed without repetitious upgrades. A platform at a reasonable price. A wonderful caring community where you receive excellent help from the experts, even the owners Kyle and Carson are in live chat almost daily, because they truly care and have incredible integrity.
So Yes Wealthy Affiliate Is Great!
Christa 🙂
I am glad I ran across all those negative reviews of Anthony before enrolling to his program.
He and his brother Adrian do many webinars where they promise you all these clichés of the young millionaire life (they are always showing fancy cars and big houses).
The truth is that I realized something was wrong when I saw many people complaining.
So again, I thank you for stepping forward and showing the truth.
Hi Alexandre,
Thank you for your visit! I am sorry it has taken me so long to respond to you. I am just returning to working on my website at this time after a very long battle fighting against a very severe health challenge.
I have been surprised at how very many comments have been left on my review page of Anthony Morrison. So many people having been taken advantage of by him and so many trying to retrieve lost monies. So you are welcome and I am very happy if this information helped you in not becoming another one of his victims!
I hope all is with you!
Hello Christa,
I am wondering if you are still active on this site and what your current thoughts are on wealthy affiliate now?? I came to your page because I almost purchased Anthonys program and after I read this I totally backflipped. Upon searching for more info they all confirm what your thoughts were. I would be very keen to read your reply. Thank you so very much
Hi Bianca,
Thank you for your visit! I am just returning to working on my website after a long battle with a severe health challenge, and I apologize for this very late response to your comment!
As for my current thoughts on Wealthy Affiliate, they are only better than they were, as the platform at Wealthy Affiliate only continues to improve!
I am so happy to hear that my review helped in keeping you from being one more of Anthony Morrison’s victims.
Once again I would encourage anyone truly interested in learning how to work online to look into Wealthy Affiliate membership. Wealthy Affiliate is truly a Virtual Online University!
I hope all is well with you!
Christa 🙂
This is great and complete information that made me change my mind because I was about to be involved with Anthony’s internet programs. Thank you!
I have been trying for a long time to find a legitime business where I can manage money and finally find my financial freedom but I always lose my money. Most recently I signed with MOBE which is a high ticket internet program where they promise you to make a lot of money, well I used my credit cards and I invested $5000,00 and 3 weeks ago this company was shutdown by the FTC because it has thousands of complaints and now I don’t know how to get my money back.
I will try the Wealthy Affiliate Program that you mention here and if you know about another legitimate online please let me know.
Thank you,
Hi Frank,
Thank you for your visit! I am so sorry for not responding to your comment sooner, but I am just returning to work on my website after a long battle against a severe health challenge.
I am so very sorry to hear about your incredible financial loss through yet another scam.
I do continue to recommend Wealthy Affiliate because I know they have been a blessing to me. I can honestly say they are not a scam.
Christa 🙂
I bought the program and I am totally disappointed. it’s been 3 months and I don’t understand anything and he’s still trying to sell me more programs. I hope this helps people out there who are considering buying it. Please DO NOT spend money on any of his programs. you will regret it
Hi Sonia,
Thank you for your visit! I am so sorry it has taken me so long to respond, but I am just returning to work on my website after a long battle against a severe health challenge.
I am so sorry you did not find this review until after you had bought the program, but I appreciate you sharing your story so others will be warned.
I can tell you that the Wealthy Affiliate Platform takes you by the hand and teaches you step by step and very thoroughly, and if you have questions there are so many resources and such an incredible community that you will always be able to get the help you need to find your answers!
Christa 🙂
Is this a legitimate letter or is this a scam? Itv looks like all you are doing is running down Morrison in an attempt to promote Wealthy Affiliate. Where is the truly free membership all I saw was free to join then 19.95 then 49.95 I guess I am confused by the free part.
Brian Chambers
Hi Brian,
Thank you for visiting! I am sorry for the very late response to your comment. I have just returned to working on my website after a long battle with a severe health challenge.
Yes, this is a legitimate letter and all I’ve done is share my story of my experience with Anthony Morrison.
My reason for promoting Wealthy Affiliate is because it is a platform started by two men of real integrity, who are not interested in scamming people. They run a platform with a heart and they are always there to help their members. I want others to know there is an option, a place where they can truly learn and build an income.
As far as the free option, if you read this page you will get a complete explanation on exactly what is at your access with the free membership.
I hope all is well with you.
Christa 🙂
Hi Christa!
Thank you for sharing all the detail information that you provided. I was almost convinced to purchase the 1 time fee of $77.00 for the program but decided to research Anthony Morrison to see if it was a scam or legit. I’m glad I did. I’m in the middle of a divorce and was looking for ways to make money. How long after you started using Wealthy Affiliate did you start making money?
Hi Mari,
Thank you for your visit! I am so sorry not to have responded to your comment when you first left it, but I am just returning to working on my website after a long battle against an intense health challenge.
I am so glad the information you gleaned from my review helped you to avoid being snared.
To answer your question – I started making money nine months after I joined.
I hope all is going well with you!
Christa 🙂
Hello Crista, I am leaving this comment to see if it gets posted so I know if the other posts are forreal or created as part of this entire post. I would like to know how you are affiliated with Wealthy Affiliate? How does promoting them benefit you? Thanks much
Hi Leary,
Thank you for your visit! I want to apologize for not responding to your comment sooner! I am just returning to work on my website after a long battle against a severe health challenge.
I am posting your comment so that I can tell you that each of the comments have really been left for me by people I do not know nor have I met them.
I am affiliated with Wealthy Affiliate! I like to promote Wealthy Affiliate because they are the only ones I have found online that are genuine. They really do teach you step by step all that you need to know to become successful online. Yet in all honesty, for everyone who decides this is something they would like to do after checking Wealthy Affiliate out, and then have entered Wealthy Affiliate at my invitation, I do have the blessing of receiving a commission!
I hope this answers your questions!
Christa 🙂
This is how some of these people are working. First: “Ree” e-book or something else. For that, give you email address. So, you are in their list.
The Freedom does not last long: soon you get pressure to buy this and that, “only” 25€ or something minimal. But as soon as you have purchased that, you get maybe two sentences of information, that you can actually find free from the YouTube or some books, and then you have to pay maybe 500€ for it to continue … and the same continues, and you never get the clue, what to do.
I joined another (Steward Ross, sixfigure mentors etc) affiliate system and it worked exactly like this. After 4 weeks joining them, forced to look at 4 hours of videos until the end before getting forward and then enormous pressure to buy buy buy buy buy more more more more more… Finally I shoud have paid 2000€/ month for to “get more”. And until that, I had had no idea, how to do that marketing really. Actually, their really free information videos were BETTER than those 4 hours clips that presented their luxurous lifestyle by the beach, their houses etc. and in the end, in 5 minutes, was the subject: “Buy more, then we tell more.” There was no end. I do not know how much those people who advertize these systems have gotten paid. Maybe something. I can not understand how someone can continue in that kind of game!
I want to know exactly how much I must pay for the course or education when I purchase it. I am extremely suspicious about these advertisements that say: You get FREE… There is nothing FREE. Nothing. Nothing at all.
Hi Johanna,
Thank you for your visit. I am so sorry for not responding to your comment when you first left it! I am just returning to work on my website after a long battle against a severe health challenge.
I can feel your frustration and I totally understand! That is exactly the kind of thing I went through. I remember one guy who said you just had to pay $32 and nothing else once you got inside, and the very next video was all about what you needed to buy next. That was when I decided they must all be scams.
But that is when I truly believe I was led to Wealthy Affiliate.
It truly is free to sign up and go inside and explore around and do an investigation into exactly who they are and what they do and what they have to offer. There are even a certain amount of materials that are free, but they are limited.
Yet they gave me enough insight and enough information that I could see they were truly legitimate. If they weren’t I would not still be with them. I have neither time nor money to waste!
I hope things are going well for you now!
Christa 🙂
I loved your thorough analysis on Anthony Morrisson, and really had me laughing in buckets. Unfortunately, the Internet is full of scam artists like this guy and it is only going to get worse. You see it all the time, all of a sudden someone hits the Internet (who you’ve never seen before) and you ask the question. Hey, where did this guy come from? Same old, same old BS and garbage. As I said you made me laugh and sorry but I am already a member of Wealthy Affiliate, and a training platform I wish I’d joined several years ago when I started my journey, but ended up like all the others trying to learn how to make money online, listening to all the crap and BS.
Hi Mick,
Thank you for your visit and I am so glad I could bring you some laughter! lol
I am sorry for not responding to your comment before now but I am just returning to work on my website after a long battle against a severe health challenge.
You are correct, the internet is full of scam artists, but then they have always been with us, they just now have a new platform and unfortunately can hide a little more discreetly online until we wise up to their games. So as we learn and share hopefully we can help to prevent some casualties.
I hope all is going well with you at Wealthy Affiliate!
Christa 🙂
So which one do you advise? I want to try but so many scam out there so I don’t know who to believe
Hi Patrick,
Thank you for your visit! I am so sorry I did not respond to you before now. I am just returning to work on my website after a battle fighting a very intense health challenge.
What I advise is that you first read my about Christa page and read my story.
Then I recommend that you do as I did. Sign up for free and then go into Wealthy Affiliate and do your own investigation! Check it all out! I really think you will be pleasantly surprised!
Christa 🙂
Love your review,
Anthony has way too much hustle going on for my liking. His story is inspiring and can be learned from.
He does refund in a timely manner if you decide his stuff isn’t for you so I personally wouldn’t call it a scam, but I do agree Anthony could be so much better if he shifted his focus away from our wallets slightly…
Hi Richard,
Thank you for your visit!
I am just returning to work on my site after a long battle with a severe health challenge! So I apologize for the delayed response.
I have been a little taken aback at the number of comments to this review. And only one other comment was similar to yours. All the others were sharing their stories of being scammed and victimized by Anthony Morrison, and every one of them would heartily disagree with you about getting refunds in a timely manner.
I do agree with you that Anthony would do much better to not be so self wallet focused.
Kyle and Carson, as you know are the owners of Wealthy Affiliate! It is wonderful to observe their integrity. They didn’t start out with this platform in mind, but as things have grown and they saw a need, and they set out to build this platform I believe they had a genuine desire to help others learn what they had learned, so they could not just benefit their own wallet in a business they understood, but truly help others attain their dreams as well!
So now we are all able to benefit from their knowledge through this Virtual Online University of Wealthy Affiliate at a reasonable price! Without the annoyance of constant upsells as all updates and improvements are included in this reasonable monthly fee!
Christa 🙂
Thanks for the info on Anthony Morrison. I cannot find any way to contact them for a refund, none of the links to billing work. Will they actually refund my money somehow? I’m thinking of contacting Mark Victor Hansen to see why he put his reputation on the line endorsing this jerk!
Hi David,
Thank you for visiting! I am so sorry I wasn’t here for you when you first commented but I am just returning to work on my website after a long battle against a severe health challenge. I am actually a little taken aback by the number of comments I have returned to as people are sharing their stories of being victimized by this person. So many trying to get refunds. So many complaints about not being able to contact him. I would be curious to know if you ever contacted Mark Victor Hansen.
I can tell you this, these challenges just do not happen at Wealthy Affiliate. If they did I would no longer be with them. Whenever I have had an issue or just a question and I send a message to Kyle or Carson, the founders of Wealthy Affiliate, I have always gotten an answer and a resolve in approximately 48 hours, or less. They genuinely have wonderful integrity.
I hope you were able to get this resolved and that all is going well for you now!
Christa 🙂
Hello Christa,
Can you help me identify any other victims of Anthony Morrison?
I was just scammed $1,497 from Anthony Morrison. I am an honest and hard working man trying to support my family. Mr. Morrison’s story deceived me. I paid by credit card. Now to dispute this my credit card company requires that I present them “second opinions of other internet merchants” who write about being deceived by Morrison’s deceptive offer, “written on their own letterhead”. Is there any way you could help me to find others? Thanks, Gilbert
Hi Gilbert,
I am so very sorry that I am seeing your comment for the very first time today. I am just returning to work on my website after a long battle against a severe health challenge. I wish I could have been there for you when you first left this comment, I would have done anything I could have to help you.
I get so angry at the number of peoples stories I have read that have been victimized and taken advantage of by this person. I hope you were able to get this situation resolved.
I do thank you for visiting and letting your story be known so that it can be one more warning and hopefully others will read these stories before they become another one of his victims.
I hope things are going well for you now!
Christa 🙂
Hi Christa.
Thank you for taking your time and effort to write this scam warning. You have saved me from losing a lot of money as I was just about to sign up to Anthony Morrison’s Fan Page Domination program and thought I would try and find an email address for him to ask him a few questions before joining and I then came across your page instead, very lucky indeed. I will check out W/A for sure.
Thanks heaps,
Hi Trevor,
Thank you for your visit, though it has been a little while. I am so sorry for taking so much time to reply to your comment, but I am just returning to work on my website after a long battle with a severe health challenge.
You are welcome for the warning! I am glad you saw this before you signed up for anything. Others have shared of their difficulty in being able to contact Anthony.
One thing I can tell you is that at Wealthy Affiliate, you are always able to get in contact with Kyle and Carson who are the developers of Wealthy Affiliate. On my about Christa page I share about how even before I joined Wealthy Affiliate I sent a message to Kyle and he replied within 48 hours.
I hope all is well with you.
Christa 🙂
Thanks for your thorough review Christa. I can attest to the huge amount of emails Anthony will send you. Although, you can unsubscribe and he uses aweber, so hopefully my unsubscribing will actually be honored.
Anyway, I haven’t looked at Wealthy Affiliate yet, but I’ll check it out based on your recommendation.
Hi Mike,
Thank you for your visit!
I would like to offer you an apology for not being more prompt in my reply, but I have just returned to work on my website after a long battle against a severe health challenge.
I hope you have taken the time to check out Wealthy Affiliate and that all is going well with you!
Christa 🙂
Anthony Morrison is a scam artist period. Look at his initial sales video and he promises hes not like other internet marketers that hold information back. You spend money with those guys but you never get enough info or the full picture. THEN you go to purchase Anthony Morrisons product and what do you get???? SLEAZY UPGRADE OFFERS TO BUY EXTRA INFORMATION THATS HELD BACK !!!!!!! ITS A SLEAZY CON JOB PERIOD!!!! STAY WELL AWAY.
Hi Alexander,
Thank you for your visit!
It sounds as though you have a story of your own to tell!
I am so sorry to have responded to your comment in such a late fashion, but I am just returning to work on my website after a long battle with a severe health challenge.
Well you know from my story that I totally agree with you and I thank you for sharing. Hopefully as more of us let our voices be heard, together we will help warn others and prevent more casualties!
Christa 🙂
I really appreciate you writing this, as I am Anthony victim also. I have spent so much money and I have not received one thing from him. At first I went to all his webinars thinking I would learn something and learn about his business. I believe he is all for Anthony. Like you said at every webinar there was just another sales meeting and he wanted more money. I was suppose to receive 500 names for joining the Circle or whatever he called it. That was 6 months ago and I still have not received any names. I sent an email to the people who sent me emails for him and told them I wanted out of everything that I had signed up for and to give me back my money on the things that I did not receive. Today I got my bank account and everything was taken out just like always. So I called the number that was on my bank account, I get a recording by Anthony that says they will not accept emails to their business part of their business, but you must email to Sales @ if you want to resign from something. What do you think my odds of getting anywhere with that email. I may put some of the things you put in here, do you mind. I am surprised at how many people feel the way we do.
Thanks for doing this.
Mary Barnes
Hi Mary,
Thank you for your visit! Though it was a while ago.
I am so sorry for the late response to your comment, I am just returning to work on my website after a long battle with a severe health challenge.
I am so very sorry to hear of how you were also a victim of Anthony Morrison’s. I hope that you were able to get things resolved. I am not sure how you felt, but for me it was like being freed from a maze in a trap.
I hope things are going well for you now!
Christa 🙂
Does anyone have an email address for Anthony Morrison so that I can attempt to get a refund and have further payments stopped? I have tried three different addresses for him with no success. Also, if you go to his sites, there is not “support” button or “contact us” button. If anyone knows how I can contact him or his company, please let me know. I would very much appreciate it. Thank you.
Hi Chris,
Thank you for your visit!
I know it was a while ago and I want to apologize to you for not getting back to you in a timely manner. I am just returning to work on my website after a long battle with a severe health challenge.
I hope you were able to get the help you needed to deal with Anthony Morrison. This is one of the reasons I am so glad to be back to work on my website, so that people can be warned of those who take advantage of people, and so that people can know there truly are good people who genuinely desire to help and teach without taking advantage of people.
I hope things are going well for you now!
Christa 🙂
Hi Christa, I agree with you, me and my husband have spent a lot of money on Anthony Morrison programs and I still don’t understand how to make money online. I haven’t found anyone who has a legit program that actually teaches you anything. I’m unable to work because of a car accident I had a few years ago, made it where I can’t stand long periods of time, my neck was fused together, and I have severe migraines so that’s why I been looking for a way to make money from home. So how do you know who to trust when you don’t have money to just give away to a scam?
Hi Paula,
Thank you for visiting and for sharing!
I understand what you are going through more then you know!
If you read my about Christa page, you read how I too was in a car accident and it was while in rehabilitation that I began my journey online.
On my page Online Scams – Beware I share with you the signs to look for to detect scams. Having been scammed I have a passion to help others to avoid these traps!
I can promise you that Wealthy Affiliate is not a scam, please read my complete review.
The greatest affirmation to the truth that Wealthy Affiliate is not a scam is that you can join Completely FREE and you can remain a Free Member for as long as you desire!
If you read my Getting Started page I share with you all the wonderful things you have access to in a Free Membership! And as a Free Member you can investigate the complete program for 7 days!
And there are NO UPSELLS!
Yes, there is a Premium Membership but it is completely optional!
Yet you have everything you need to get started in the Free Membership, and I guarantee you the education you have available to you at Wealthy Affiliate will teach you all you need to know to make money online, and the pieces will all come together!
There is also the most amazing community as everyone helps everyone to succeed! Many of the community members are very successful entrepreneurs and even the owners are involved in the community on a daily basis.
I hope this information has helped to give you a better understanding and I hope you realize there is no reason to fear signing up for a Free Membership! You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain!
Please let me know if you have any other questions I might be able to answer!
Thank you again for your visit,
Christa 🙂
I am in the exact same boat. Does anybody know a way to get our funds returned legally??
I spent a lot of money and nothing back.
Hi John,
I am so very sorry to hear that you too were one of Anthony’s victims.
I have just returned to working on my website after a very long battle against a very severe health challenge which is why I did not reply to your comment sooner.
I have been a little surprised at the large number of comments that have been left on the Anthony Morrison review. So very many people sharing their stories, their money loses and their frustrations. It just makes me angry all over again. We all have to keep speaking up and letting our voices be heard so others are not being victimized by Anthony.
I also want people to know that there really is an another option. Wealthy Affiliate truly is a platform built by two men of integrity that truly care about their members.
I hope all is going well for you now!
Christa 🙂
Hello Christa,
I am fascinated with your review because I hear so much information. You had real interactions with them. I can compare these guys with spiders, who are looking for innocent victims. Their net is invisible, hidden with false promises and lies. It is wonderful that you are spreading this information. It will help other people to escape their trap and save valuable time and money.
All the best, Nemira.
Hi Nemira,
Thank you very much for your visit! 🙂
That is a very good analogy of a spider and their invisible net!
That is truly a great depiction of Anthony Morrison and his brother, Adrian.
I hope to spread this information far and wide to help others not fall into
their web of deception.
All the best to you as well,
Christa 🙂
Hi Christa
I really enjoyed this review, and so well written
Thanks so much for the share
Hi Joseph,
Thank you so very much for your visit!
I am so glad you enjoyed the review and thank you for your kind words!
It is my hope this review will be shared to help others from being scammed!
Blessings to you as well,
Christa 🙂
WOW, That’s incredible the amount of info you have on this turkey neck geek. I am glad I didn’t get scammed into this program. He could take you for everything you have and you still have to give him more to get out. Thank you, Christa. I will avoid this scam at all cost.
Hi Dan,
Thank you for your visiting!
Yes this is definitely one guy to stay away from and to warn others to stay away from as well!
Let’s spread the word, there have been far too many that have lost so very many of their precious dollars they worked so hard for to his man who seems to have no moralality or integrity!
Christa 🙂
Wow Christa! This Anthony Morrison scam warning is the most thorough and detailed review I have ever seen! I can tell by the volume of “products” that he offers that there is no way he can support them all or even know what is in them. He must be hiring products creators and laughing all the way to the bank.
I’m glad to see that you escaped the endless cycle and found a program that actually works.
Hi Steve,
Thank you for visiting!
Yes, Anthony Morrison is truly a serial scam artist!
I was much more fortunate then many others! I tend to be a bit cautious, which really paid off in this circumstance!
It is hard for me to conceive that he can rob people of so much money and still be able to look at himself in the mirror!
I quit thinking about affiliate marketing, but Wealthy Affiliate was brought to me, and I am so glad it was! 🙂
Christa 🙂
Hey, Christa. When I first saw the name “Morrison”, it reminded me of an employer I used to work for, lol. Blimey, I didn’t realize this Anthony guy had so many programs out there!
Having read your post, the Anthony Morrison products do seem a little bit confusing to me and all I see are $ signs everyhere. Thanks for warning me about this con man and your recommendation to join Wealthy Affiliate sure is a pretty awesome one at that!
Thank You… Neil
Hi Neil,
Thank you very much for your visit!
Yes, he confuses people deliberately, so that he can lure them into purchasing the upsells.
At first I thought it was just me, but I learned this is how all the scam artist work.
Finding Wealthy Affiliate has truly been a blessing as they take you by the hand and lead you step by step, teaching you all you need to know and providing the necessary tools.
They truly are pretty awesome!
I Wish You All The Best,
Christa 🙂
Hi Christa,
Your review left me a bit speechless. I’ve come across so many scam artists in the past 6 years and there have been many dirty ones indeed. Anthony Morrison and his products just seem to be the cherry of the scam pie, a very rotten one.
I have not tried his products but I’ve searched information about him and heard everything but good news about him. In the end the scheme is all the same. They offer you the world and once they’ve put a leash around you, they dangle more in front of you. If the victim then is in desperate need to make some extra money, they end up purchasing those upsells. With each upsell it cost more and more.
The story with the elderly person who got scammed out of his retirement money is just disgusting and it makes me think to what methods Anthony Morrison is capable of. I’ve read this story as well and you mentioning it just brings back a big clot in my throat.
Thank you for such a great review and I do hope that many people will read this. This is of great help to keep people away from this person.
All the best and keep up these informative reviews. 🙂
P.S.: One more thing before I leave it. There are many scams out there and that’s why Affiliate Marketing has gotten such a bitter reputation. However, Affiliate Marketing is still a legit opportunity to earn some extra money. There are no products, digital softwares and other one-click-wonders who will bring the desired money over night; but to truly do it successfully, people need training and a step-by-step guidance with each step explained, so that at the end the puzzle is a beautiful picture. Wealthy Affiliate is the most legit program to date on how to learn Affiliate Marketing from scratch.
Hi Nicole,
Thank so very much for your visit! 🙂
And thank you for sharing! You summed it up very well!
Once they have hooked or leashed their victims they continue to victimize the person as you have said, by dangling more before these desperate people, who do not want to feel they are losing out on their previous investment. They prey on their lack of knowledge and keep them running in circles of confusion robbing them with the upsells.
It is sad and infuriating to me!
Yes, I am hoping this review will go viral! 🙂
I want to help people to avoid the scam artists!
I agree with you in that Affiliate Marketing is a legitimate opportunity, yet the only complete program that is totally legitimate that I have found online is Wealthy Affiliate.
I am so glad that you have found Wealthy Affiliate as well!
Christa 🙂
Hi Christa,
I’ve seen many of his ads while doing my research for for a legitimate opportunity. I never even considered joining any of it. I just don’t believe there are any other opportunities out there like the one Wealthy Affiliate offers. If someone reading this is considering an opportunity, I hope they will give W/A a try and see the difference. Will it be easy? No, not always. But the training and help available will get you through it. AND NO UPSELLS! I’m glad you exposed this scam for what it is! All the Best !!
Hi Marant,
Thank you so very much for your visit! 🙂
I agree with you that there is no other opportunity that comes close to offering all that Wealthy Affiliate offers! And as you have said NO UPSELLS!
Thank you for sharing your insight and your encouragement to others!
You are right it is not easy, there are no genuine get rich quick plans. It takes work to build any business!
Yet with all the resources at Wealthy Affiliate including the amazing community the only way one can fail is if they choose not to put forth the effort!
All The Best To You as well Marant!
Christa 🙂
Wow Christa!
You have done and excellent job exposing this guy for what he is.
Hopefully many many people will read this review before they fall victim.
I have heard about this guy but never seen any of his infomercials.
I was just speaking with someone about how many scam artists are out there
and how most of us get caught in their web in our search of better life.
Great job I also like your other posts!
Hi Joe!
Thank you so very much for your visit!
That is my hope, to help others not fall victim to this man.
In his informercial he appears so sincere that is easy to understand why so very many respond to his offer!
I did, lol! Yet fortunately for me I did not get caught up in his other lures and traps!
It is alarming to realize how very many scam artist are prowling for their next victim and willing to ruin the lives of innocent people who are simply searching for a way to better their lives as you have said!
Thank you for your encouraging words and for taking the time to visit my other articles as well!
Christa 🙂
This is a good informative article that helps me understand these programs.
Hi Alton,
Thank you for your visit!
I am so glad this article has given you information that gives you understanding!
My greatest desire is to bring truth and understanding to others so they will not fall into scams.
Christa 🙂