Wealthy Affiliate Exposed!

My Wealthy Affiliate Review
Company: Wealthy Affiliate
Website Address (URL): wealthyaffiliate.com
Owners: Kyle & Carson
Price: FREE $O Starter Membership
Overall Rank: 98 out of 100
Who It Is For: Everyone – from the Beginner to the Expert
I Would Like To Expose Wealthy Affiliate To You!
I would like to bring Wealthy Affiliate into the light as I share with you the wonderful truths and the treasure I have discovered.
Like you I was looking for a work at home online opportunity. I was in a position due to the circumstances of my life at the time, that I had no other options. You can read my story here.
Being new to the internet I was under the false impression that with so much exposure, online companies would be less likely to be able to be dishonest. Wow, was I wrong!
This is why I want to expose Wealthy Affiliate to you, because I do not want you to be scammed as I and so many others have been.
After being scammed and deciding never to trust another offer of a proposed opportunity of education for online marketing, I “accidentally” happened upon Wealthy Affiliate.
So now let me expose the truths I have personally learned about Wealthy Affiliate.
Who Is Wealthy Affiliate?
Wealthy Affiliate has just celebrated it’s birthday!!! Wealthy Affiliate was launched by Kyle & Carson on September 10th, 2005, nine years ago. Kyle recently wrote, “A simple ‘keyword list’ site, that is what wealthyaffiliate.com was.” “Was” is the key word in that sentence!
Let me introduce you to:

Let’s expose the truth of who Kyle & Carson are!
Kyle and Carson met each other and began their online marketing careers while attending college, and they had each experienced success.
Then one day after launching Wealthy Affiliate, on September 11th they had their first member and today there are over 200,000 members.
As the membership grew, Kyle & Carson built and developed Wealthy Affiliate fulfilling the needs and the requests of their members. Today, they are continually maintaining a state of the art company that is the best in the industry; that is not only up to date, but oozes with their vision of continual growth and improvement.
For me, one of the highest recommendations for the company is the personal involvement of Kyle & Carson with the members of Wealthy Affiliate, as they make themselves personally accessible.
It was actually because of Kyle’s response to the email I sent him as I investigated Wealthy Affiliate, that gave me the incentive to investigate further. Had he not responded, I would never have given Wealthy Affiliate another thought.
I have come to believe that Kyle & Carson are two men of integrity, who not only desired to build a successful business, but desire to build their business on a foundation of honesty, and truly desire to help others!
They do not misrepresent the company or mislead you. They tell you right upfront that Wealthy Affiliate is not a get rich quick scheme.
What Is Wealthy Affiliate?
Wealthy Affiliate is a Virtual Online University, a teaching platform with all the education and tools necessary to build your online business.
Though it is not a get rich quick scheme, if you are willing to supply the effort you will be able to achieve success!
Kyle recently said, “Our focus is to humanize the process of building a business online.”
So let’s expose the Wealthy Affiliate University! 🙂
What does Wealthy Affiliate have to offer? What are the pros?
The greatest pro is that through what I have learned you have found your way here, and your desire to create a successful online business can now become a reality!
The FREE $0 Starter Membership – Completely Free – Let me show you!
This is the only information required for you to set up your membership:

No annoying continual upsells!
No previous experience necessary!
The Online Certification Course with Step by Step Getting Started training – an organized series of courses with written and video tutorials which guide you through the tasks necessary to complete and build your website and successful online income!
A University library of training beyond the structured courses, of video tutorials, written tutorials, blogs, questions with answers, live training Webinars (premium), and topical classroom training with interactive discussions!
The opportunity for you to write your own blog!
Networking with other fellow entrepreneurs, many of them successful experts including the owners, Kyle & Carson!
2 FREE websites built with WordPress express, which means you need no technological knowledge necessary!
FREE theme templates to choose from for your website!
State of the art, secure, fast and FREE website hosting!
A strict spam free environment!
FREE tools to use – Rapid Writer and the Keyword Tool!
An affiliate program!
The opportunity to work at your own pace, no pressure!
The ability to learn, work and interact at Wealthy Affiliate from any location you desire with an internet connection!
The Most Important Of All – Community. There is live chat 24/7/365 and as there are members from around the world, you will always find someone in live chat. So no matter what hour you may want to seek answers or just want to talk to someone, you are never alone. A community of people with the same goal as you, success online, all helping and supporting one another. Often you will even find Kyle and Carson in live chat. There are also ongoing topical discussions you can participate in, posting your comments or questions and interacting with the community!
What are the Cons of Wealthy Affiliate?
Wealthy Affiliate can be a bit overwhelming as there is such an initial information overload!
I have observed that for some there is the challenge not to stay on the path of the training courses, as they tend to stray off into the numerous resources of information, though eventually they realize the need to return. 🙂
Some are so exhilarated by the incredible community they have difficulty at first finding their balance between their education and their social involvement.
So actually these that appear to be Cons at first, are in reality just a period of time of learning to find the balance of all the Pros!
The loss of the ability to participate in live chat after 7 days is a definite con, though you are still able to be a part of the community through interacting in blogs and questions and answers.
Who Is Wealthy Affiliate For?
In a word – Everyone!
I was completely new to the world of online marketing and had precious little experience with computers. Life happens. So if I can do this anyone can!
As you have found your way here you have all you need to get started!
Wealthy Affiliate’s training provides all the knowledge and training necessary for the newbie and has such a wealth of resources that even the experienced will tell you they continue to learn everyday. The greatest resource being the people of the community.
Wealthy Affiliate is a community of all levels of entrepreneurs, of all ages, of all positions in life, from the countries of the world where everyone is warmly welcome!
What Is The Genuine Cost?
The Greatest Cost Is Your Effort! If you are willing to provide the effort you will succeed!
The Starter Membership is $0 – Completely FREE as stated above.
The Premium Membership is $49 per month or $359 per year
Here let me show you a comparison chart:
So as you can see you have all the essentials needed to build an online business in the Starter membership.
You simply get oodles more in the Premium Membership!
And you can see that when you are ready to consider the Premium Membership, it is an incomparable value!
There is absolutely nothing else online that even begins to compare with all that Wealthy Affiliate has to offer!
There is also a Bonus Offer – If you should decide, as I did, in the first seven days that you have found the treasure you have been looking for, and would like to become a Premium Member, you will have the opportunity to pay only $19 dollars for your first month, that is a 60% discount!
My Conclusion?
Wealthy Affiliate is so much more then a product or a company!
Wealthy Affiliate is an opportunity to join an online teaching platform that is the quality of an Online University with a supportive, interactive and awesome community!
The location not only where you will find all the knowledge you need but where you are provided with all the tools necessary to build your own online website and business.
The community with heart!
Too Good To Be True?
Why don’t you find out for yourself. Get your FREE – $0 Starter Membership and then let me know what you think!
I would genuinely like to hear from you!
And because it is FREE you have nothing to lose, except the opportunity of a new beginning!
My Verdict?!
You guessed it!

Wealthy Affiliate Exposed As The Best Legitimate Online Opportunity!
Special Bonus!
Remember, the Starter Membership is FREE-$0!
And you can remain a Starter Member as long as you like!
When you join Wealthy Affiliate I wll be there to greet you!
I hope you will take a few minutes to set up your profile! It is simple and it will give you the opportunity to introduce yourself to the community!
If after 7 days you haven’t seen the value of Wealthy Affiliate then I would like to hear from you! I would like to hear your thoughts! So please feel free to share them with me!
If after joining Wealthy Affiliate as a Starter Member, you decide you would like to become a Premium Member in the first seven days you will receive the Bonus Offer of the first month’s membership for only $19, that is a 60% Discount off the regular monthly membership of $49.
When I greet you on your profile at Wealthy Affiliate I will share with you some more information on Wealthy Affiliate, I will help you discover Wealthy Affiliate, and I will share with you how to claim an Additional Bonus! 🙂
So why don’t you investigate and review Wealthy Affiliate yourself! You have nothing to lose because it is FREE and everything to gain!
I would enjoy hearing from you, so feel free to leave your comment or question below!
Christa 🙂
Share The Knowledge

I am a 63 year old carpenter / contractor and I want to say, Great job exposing A. M..
I am going to follow your advice and move forward with Flowing Freedom.
I also want to say it was good to hear you say that you prayed for basically discernment when you were first getting started.
Here are a few sites that have helped me navigate through these difficult times.
Ty Green YouTube
The Chosen app
God Bless,
“The 63 year old carpenter ☝️ “
Hi Fred,
Thank you for your visit! 🙂
And thank you for your kind words and for sharing with me. I always try to seek discernment in everything from the Lord!
I hope you have had a chance to check out Wealthy Affiliate and remember you can always do that for free!
God’s Blessings to you,
Christa 🙂
Hi Christa,
It seems that only one legitimate program exists in internet and that is “Wealthy Affiliate”. Why is there existing such a poor situation till now? I read about your review on Anthony Morrison and Wealthy Affiliate because I am searching the same as you. But do clarify why there exists only one and only one legitimate program? I would like to know your thoughts in detail on this?
Thank you.
Thank you for your visit! 🙂
I never said that there is only one legitimate program, but there is only one legitimate program that I have found or had any experience with!
I encourage you to go into Wealthy Affiliate for free and check out the program for yourself!
Christa 🙂
I like all comments but none of them said that they are making any money ,Why is that, if this is a great opportunity ? Opportunity to do what and to succeed at what ? Please explain ,Is anyone making any money with this free membership to ” Wealthy Affiliate ” ??
Hi Stan,
Thank you for your visit! I am so sorry it has taken me so long to respond to your comment, but I am just returning to work on my website after a long battle against a severe health challenge.
There are many, many members of the Wealthy Affiliate community. And there are people making all levels of incomes. How much one makes is largely dependent upon how much time and effort one is willing to spend on learning and applying what they learn. For some it is a part-time interest for others it is all they do.
I started as a free member and have read the stories of others who started as a free member, then waiting to convert to a paying member only after they made their first monies. I did not wait because I wanted more access to more materials. I was hungry to learn.
As for the what – it is affiliate marketing that you would be learning.
I hope this helps to answer your questions.
Christa 🙂
Christa Thank for the info About your experience with Anthony Morrison. I am going to check W/A University.
Thank you for your Website.
Hi Alton,
You are welcome and thank you for your visit.
I hope you have truly taken the time to check out Wealthy Affiliate!
I am sorry I didn’t respond to your comment sooner; I have just returned to working on my website after a long battle against a severe health challenge.
I hope you are well!
Christa 🙂
Hi Christa,
I love your write up on Wealthy Affiliate. Your website looks great. I can’t wait to get started on Bootcamp training. You may have seen my WA Blog about Kyle & Carson, so you know what I think of them. The best part about the Wealthy Affiliate Training Platform is it’s only going to get better, thanks to K&C’s commitment to continuous improvement. The functionality of the SiteRubix portal (a multi featured simplified WP Site Builder) and WA Hosting alone are worth the cost of Premium membership.
Does this sound like a Testimony for Wealthy Affiliate? Well … I guess it is.
Hi Dennis,
Thank you for your visit! Though it was a bit ago, lol!
I am so sorry to respond in such a delayed fashion, but I am just returning to work on my website after a long battle with a severe health challenge.
Thank you for your compliment to my website, that means a great deal to me.
As we know you were ever so correct in that we have continued to see the Wealthy Affiliate Training Platform improve and in dramatic ways! Not only have Kyle and Carson’s integrity continued to shine forth in their commitment to improvement but also in their lack of greed, as they maintain a reasonable membership fee.
I hope all continues to go well for you at Wealthy Affiliate!
Christa 🙂
Hey Christa, I have been scammed myself too many times, because of that I was skeptical about a lot of products out there promising you to make money, but when I first heard about Wealthy Affiliate and I went to check out their website, it didn’t take me long to realize that I had found a totally legit program that was going to help me achieve success building my online business. Their free membership proves that as well, there is absolutely nothing you can lose joining Wealthy Affiliate, and for me it is the best decision I made, I am so glad I found it, only wish it would have been sooner !
I have been on it for a little bit more than a month and I have learned so much already, I have my website up and running, I know how to bring traffic to my website and how to find keywords and I am only starting, can’t imagine what it is going to be like in a year from now I am so excited.
Best regards to you, Emile
Hi Emile,
Thank you very much for visiting! 🙂
As you read I too was scammed and that is why it is important to me to let people know that there actually is a legitimate and honest online opportunity!
I am so sorry to hear that you also suffered at the hands of online scams, but I am so happy to hear that you discovered Wealthy Affiliate and are now learning how to develop your website and your online income!
I know for me the excitement only grows so you better get prepared to only be more excited a year from now!
Best regards to you as well,
Christa 🙂
Hi Christa!
Wow Great Job Describing W/A! My favorite part of being a W/A member is the support from a genuine caring community! We all get excited whenever someone has success , and there’s always someone there to pick us up when things get tough. If anyone is reading this and thinking of joining I just want you to know no matter how much or how little experience you have you can be up and running in no time at all. If even a techno-newbie like myself can do it, so can you!
Hi Marant,
Thank you so very much for your visit!:)
I agree with you 100%! The community at Wealthy Affiliate is absolutely amazing! There is always someone to support you, whether it is to encourage you, or answer a question, or to celebrate with you 24/7!
I too was a complete newbie, so if we can do it, anybody can do it!
Hi Christa,
Great review, Wealthy Affiliate is a great place to start when it comes to making money online.
It seemed to take a long time to make money blogging following other ways before I found out about Wealthy Affiliate!
Good luck to you
Hi Robert,
Thank you so much for your visit!
Thank you for your kind words over my review!
Yes Wealthy Affiliate is a great place, it is the best place with the most to offer!
I am so glad to hear that you found Wealthy Affiliate and that you are finding success!
Christa 🙂
The first thing that struck me was how beautiful you sight was when I opened it. It put me in a relaxed mood, ready to hear what you had to say. And then before I read anything there was this beautiful image of light. Pictures of Kyle and Carson, and scenes from WA. Different colored words. I’m impressed with your use of imagery. And then you wrote about WA beautifully. You gave us the backstory and why we should trust WA and what you’re telling us about it. I wish I could change my font and knew how to use pictures for the site, but I’ll learn. You’ve done a wonderful job here. Many blessings.
Hi Delores,
Thank you for visiting!
I cannot tell you what a blessing your comment is to me!
You have shared the experience I hope all visitors have!
Yes you will learn. All it takes is your desire mixed with your effort and you can learn it all, with all the wonderful knowledge that is supplied through so many different avenues at Wealthy Affiliate! It is just a matter of time!
Thank you so much for your very special comment.
Many blessings to you as well,
Christa 🙂
Wow, this site is so well laid out and very easy to understand. I can easily see how Wealthy Affiliate is a good choice.
Hi Jodi,
Thank you for visiting!
I am so pleased that you enjoyed the site and I appreciate your comment!
Wealthy Affiliate is better then a good choice, it is the best choice!
Christa 🙂
Great review. With all of the online scams it is good to see a program that is worth looking into.
Hi Dave,
Thank you for visiting!
Yes, Wealthy Affiliate is definitely worth taking the time to look into, and with the FREE $0 Starter Membership you can do all the investigating you like without any loss of money!
Christa 🙂