Author Archives: Christa

Renewed Beginnings!

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What An Exciting Time!

My membership at Wealthy Affiliate is renewed, and it is a time of Renewed Beginnings for me here online!

I shared in my recent Black Friday Special post that since the spring of 2015 I had been fighting an intense health challenge. A health challenge that hindered me from working online; and though it was a long journey, today is a time of Renewed Beginnings! As I am now in a position to pursue my online work,  I am excited to tell you that I will once again be consistently working on this website!

There are so many new improvements that have taken place at Wealthy Affiliate that I am excited to share with you, and of course we will continue to discuss the different facets of working online!

Worldwide Web Internet Users

World Wide Web Users

Just think – in June of 2019 it was being reported that the world population is estimated to be over 7,700,000,000 people, and that there are over 4,500,000,000 internet users. That is over half the world population that is using the internet. That is an incredible audience potential and market potential.

So I get excited when I think of my Renewed Beginnings and Renewed Journey!

What about you? Are you ready for an New Journey?

Well I hope you will come along with me and explore the possibilities!

Getting Started

If you are interested in exploring a New Journey the best article to read first is the Getting Started page.

Here I share with you how you can get started for free. Not even any credit card information is required. It is a Totally Free Signup.

Wealthy Affiliate is not one of those scams, where you have to make a purchase just to get in the door of their company and after getting in the door you get nothing more until you pay more. Unfortunately I have been ripped off by such scams.

Due to the past experiences I had endured I was very skeptical when I “accidentally” happened upon Wealthy Affiliate, I share about my journey of my introduction to Wealthy affiliate in this getting started article and on my about Christa page. So I encourage you to read them!

Christmas and The New Year!

As we are approaching Christmas

Nativity and Christmas Tree

and the New Year

New Year 2020

this next two weeks a lot of people are reflecting on possible Christmas presents and what they would like to accomplish in the New Year!

Maybe it is time you think about a New Beginning and a New Journey for yourself!

Developing an online adventure is not going to be an overnight success, but it can be an exciting and progressive journey that leads to a wonderful success and brightens your future!

Plus, since you can begin for free, really what do you have to lose?! And you can remain a free member for as long as you desire!

It is a journey that I have never regretted!

I Hope You Will Join Me And Find Your Own New Beginning And New Journey!

If You Would Like To Get Started Now Just Click Below! I Hope To Hear From You Inside! 🙂

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Best Cyber Monday Gift Idea

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Black Friday Continues Through Cyber Monday!

Black Friday May Be Over But This Black Friday Special is Not Gone!

This Special Continues Through Cyber Monday, December 2nd!

So Don’t Miss Out On The Best Black Friday – Cyber Monday Gift Idea!

On each page and post I have shared with you the honest truth of why it is, if you have ever considered building a website and learning how to work online, Wealthy Affiliate is the best place to be!

If This Is A Dream Or A Desire You Have, Now Is The Time For That New Beginning!

To Get Started Just Click On The Button Below!

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What Is A Keyword?

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A Keyword Is Exactly What You Have Used To Arrive Here To Read This Post! 🙂

What Is A Keyword

To put it simply, a Keyword is the word or phrase that you type in the search bar when you search for information on the internet!

Then the Search Engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo use your Keyword, your word or phrase, to search for relevant web pages to bring you the information you are seeking!

Google defines it this way, “A Keyword is any word or phrase that describes a website topic or page. The more a Keyword is used by searches and websites the more attraction power it has.”

If you prefer a more technological definition, defines it this way, “Digital Technology, a word used to classify or organize digital content, or to facilitate an online search for information…”


What Is The Significance Of The Keyword To Your Online Venture?


In a word – Traffic!

In the article The Importance Of A Niche I shared with you that your niche is a group of people looking for something, your audience.

As an internet entrepreneur the most important dynamic to the success of your connection with your audience is your Keyword! 

In the article How To Research Niche Ideas I shared how important it is to know and understand your niche – your audience!

It is important to know the information they are seeking and the questions they are asking!

It is in researching your niche you will discover the Keywords, the word or phrase, your audience is using to seek out the information, answers and solutions they are looking for.

This research will give you a better understanding of your audience and greater knowledge in knowing which Keywords will target traffic with the Search Engines!

Having this knowledge of the Keywords your audience is using will enable you to use these Keywords to bring the visitors to your site that share your niche interests.


How Do You Do This Research?


I shared with you in the article How To Research Niche Ideas many free tools you can use to do the Keyword research I have been referring to.

I shared with you:

  • Google Trends
  • Google Instant
  • Alphabet Soup
  • Ubersuggest
  • The Wealthy Affiliate Keyword Tool with 30 FREE searches

I even shared with you demonstrations on the use of each tool!

So if you haven’t read this article and would like to see each of them demonstrated please click here.


There Is Another Tool Which Is My Personal Favorite!

My personal favorite is the Jaaxy tool!

I personally prefer this tool because it gathers such complete information from all of the Search Engines!

There are other tools that give you a lot of data, metrics and numbers but you are left to figure it all out and make sense of it all, while Jaaxy organizes and defines the data, metrics and numbers for you!

Also Jaaxy is very quick which saves me so much time! It would take a great deal of time to gather and decipher the complete information Jaaxy gives me in minutes!

The information gleaned and the utilizations of Jaaxy are amazing! And so proliferous!

I am at this moment preparing a very thorough review of Jaaxy which will be up in a few days!

I hope you will read my Jaaxy Review when it is completed and then you will have a much better understanding of all that Jaaxy has to offer you!

In the meantime if you would like to try the Jaaxy tool out, you receive 30 FREE searches with the FREE version of Jaaxy and if you would like, you can get started now and try Jaaxy out by typing in a Keyword below

If you have any thoughts or questions you would like to share please feel free to leave them below!

Thank you for visiting! 🙂

Christa 🙂

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I Have A Dream!

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I Have Always Been A Dreamer!

And I Still Am!

In my life those dreams have always helped me to hold onto hope, while my life was in the midst of storms!

And for me the source of those dreams was my faith in a great big God and His Word!

Yes I have a dream, actually I have more then one dream!


We Have All Had Our Dreams!


When we were children many of us dreamed of what we would accomplish while we were yet in school!

Some of us had dreams of being in the school choir, or a school play, on a sports team, or in orchestra, or in marching band, or maybe your dream was to be class president!

For some the dream was to earn a college scholarship, as we dreamed about the future and what career we desired to pursue!

Some of us didn’t live in circumstances conducive to seeing our dreams come true, so we dreamed of how life would change when we left home!

Some of us dreamed of who we would marry one day and the future life we would build one day with our love, perhaps even dreaming of the family we desired!


The Challenges Of Life!


As the challenges of life present themselves many of us put our dreams on a shelf and often times our dreams begin to seemingly slip right through our fingers as though they were but grains of sand.

At moments like that I am reminded of this song:

Dream the Impossible Dream
Then as we moved into adulthood many of us pursued a career, often times not the career of our choice but a career of necessity.

Many of us married and started a family, and for a great many of us, it was a time of more broken dreams.

As we continued in our careers with the challenges and the pressures of supporting and growing our family the dreams were often forgotten, sometimes just due to a busy schedule and other times because of the warfare of survival!

I Had A Dream!


As an adult I always had a dream of having my own business. One that I could develop working from home!

I tried my hand at a few of the usuals, but I didn’t have a supportive spouse, and I had children. So without a supportive spouse I focused on raising the children!

I Always Knew That The Internet Was The Way Of The Future, and if I had had the opportunity to have access to the internet as I raised my family, I definitely would have worked at building an online business at that time!

It Is Never Too Late To Pursue Your Dream!

Do you have a dream?

Perhaps it is a dream you put on the shelf as I did!

Perhaps it is a dream you thought had slipped through your fingers!

Perhaps it is a new dream!

I shared on my about Christa page of how I was in a position, due to the circumstances of my life, that led me to search for a way to work at home online, and of how I learned about affiliate marketing!

I shared of how I was blessed with the gift of a computer, which subsequently blessed me to be able to consider building my online business!

It has been an incredible adventure as I have been on the journey of learning!

I had so very much to learn about the computer, the internet, about building a website and building an online income.

That you are reading this is confirmation to the fact that I have learned a great deal, and I am continuing to learn!

I have been able to follow my dream due to the gift of being led to Wealthy Affiliate!

It is a journey that has been so much more then building a website and an online business!

I have been blessed to meet incredible people from around the world in the amazing community of Wealthy Affiliate! A community of like minded entrepreneurs that all desire to help one another succeed!

Community of the World
Now I will soon be giving life to two new websites, through which I will begin to see even more of my dreams being fulfilled!

Perhaps It Is Time For You To Take Your Dream Off The Shelf!


If you have ever had a dream to build a website for a blog, or to have a website to build an online income…

If you have ever had a dream to work form home…

If you have ever had a dream to be able to take your work with you and travel wherever you like…

If you have ever had a dream to be your own boss…

If you have ever….

Then I suggest you spread your wings and let your dream soar at Wealthy Affiliate!

Dream & Dare to Soar
It will take some time and effort to work at achieving your dream!

Any business of value takes some time and effort to build!

Any dream worth holding in your heart takes some time and effort to achieve!

I hope you will read my complete review of Wealthy Affiliate and then you will understand why you do not want to miss this opportunity!

Never Quit Dreaming and Remember:

If you have any comments or questions you would like to share I would enjoy hearing from you, just leave them below!

Thank you for visiting, Christa 🙂

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Personal Spring Cleaning!

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Spring Is Upon Us!


Many of us are thinking of new beginnings!
The first crocus have burst forth in bloom, followed by the daffodils!

Personal Spring

By James Petts from London, England


The animals are scurrying around in their playful spring flirtation!


Personal Spring

By Jon Pinder

Many of us are starting our spring cleaning and preparing for a summer of fun!

Some of us are planning our gardens and weekend getaways and vacations!


In All These Thoughts Of New Beginnings And New Plans Have You Taken The Time To Think About Your Plan For You?


Have you thought about your personal spring cleaning?

Have you thought about cleaning the cobwebs out of your own thoughts about you and your life?

Personal Spring Cleaning

Have you thought about the seeds you want to plant for a new harvest in your life?

Is there something you have always wanted to do but the circumstances of life caused you to set the idea on a shelf?

Have you ever wondered if there was a way you could build a business and a life around something you truly enjoy?

Have you ever considered the opportunity of working online?


I was put in a position because of a car accident that I had no choice but to think about planning a new garden for a new harvest, metaphorically speaking!

With a road of recovery ahead of me I knew I wasn’t going to be able to return to being a professional driver of tractor trailers very quickly, so it was time to look for something new to do! You can read my story here.

I have always thought about having my own business!
I had even tried a few things, but the circumstances of life got in the way of me being able to develop those ventures into anything truly profitable.

I had never really had the opportunity to learn computers, so I never really considered working online as an option, but now that was the only option.

If you read my story you know how I discovered the world of Affiliate Marketing and you read of how I fell into a scam and then was led to Wealthy Affiliate.


What I Found Was So Much More Then Just A Financial Opportunity, It Was A Life Changing Opportunity!


I had a clear enough perspective to know that to build any business takes work, but as I have always said, give me the knowledge and the training and I can do anything, well at least most anything, lol. 🙂

Yet I was prepared to work to learn the world of Affiliate Marketing if I could just find someway and somewhere to learn it.


That Opportunity Sprung Into My Life With Wealthy Affiliate, They Are A Virtual Online University!

WA-Personal Spring Cleaning
And not only do they have the incredible step by step training, but they also provide all the tools necessary to develop an online business and there is an amazing community of like minded entrepreneurs who support you!

In my Wealthy Affiliate Review I go into great detail so I encourage you to read it!

Many of us at this time of year are visiting and exploring nurseries and deciding what flowers and plants we want for our yards and gardens and homes.

Well the best part of Wealthy Affiliate is that it is totally FREE to sign up and come in for a visit, and investigate for yourself and decide if Affiliate Marketing is something you would be interested in.


Wealthy Affiliate Can Be A New Garden Of Opportunity For You That Will Allow You To Work Towards The Future Of An Incredible Harvest Of A New Life!

Wildflower Harvest

A life of freedom as you have a work you enjoy, as you work according to your desires, as you establish your hours, your dress code and your location of work.

Wealthy Affiliate is not a get rich quick scheme! But if you don’t mind tilling and working the soil of a new venture and nurturing the life of a new online business, as you work towards the harvest of that new life, then it is time to do some personal spring cleaning and plan that new personal garden.

If you would like to learn more about Getting Started FREE just click here!

Thank you for visiting! 🙂

If you have any thoughts you would like to share or any questions please feel free to leave them below!

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